Badezimmer: die neuesten Design
For most homes, Asian bathroom design consists of lights, mainly overhead lamps and sconce that add a unique flare. Although fluorescent lamps are part of the lighting fixtures, they often use soft-glow types that give off a cooler light rather than incandescent bulbs.

The main layout for the bathroom was inspired from most American and European designs, added to a more Asian flair that would call their own. Screens and more vibrant colors when it comes to the floor tiles and walls gives off an optical illusion of having more room. Although some Asian bathroom designs would resemble a 4-star hotel in terms of modern elegance, the very essence of the design is simply derived from nature. Some flora is introduced, while waterproof wallpaper with bamboo prints give color to the walls. This can also include wood tiles and mahogany from other Asian countries for the counter top and a small armoire.

The main shower area and tub are designed depending on the country of origin, which can be circular like the Japanese or wide like the Chinese. Of course the rich would introduce a small above-ground pool for the main purpose of soaking in hot water, as well as lavish it off with some orchids to create a more natural look. With the mixture of both modern and classic, most modern jet-streamed tubs are placed in a central location, according to the feng shui belief that the center is the very heart that revolves around everything.

Simple fixtures, mainly of faucets, shower heads and booths may sometimes be imported, while designs from local bathroom designers are inspired by using the available floor space of a typical Asian home. This is well suited for small bathrooms that upon entering would have everything within arm's reach without too much clutter. For the wall to place a mirror to, they can be large, considering the vanity of most Asians and how they can be conscious about their looks.
Decoration is revolved mainly of plants, with some wood for frames and screens and a large portion is concentrated simply for the floor. Tiles sold in Asia have several patterns, which custom made ones can be ordered like that of a jigsaw puzzle, to create a mosaic effect.

Although a number of American homes may have a touch of European and American styles, the Asian bathroom décor is becoming a big hit, considering the need to have a bathroom with all the necessary items and fixtures without walking too much. The Asian bathroom design is for those with small homes, yet emphasizes mainly on the bathroom as the centerpiece.

Decoracion de ambientes acogedores


Nada más acogedor que un sofá con varias capas de mantas, muchos cojines y alfombras. Para completar el conjunto un florero con unas ramas desnudas en la ventana


Con esta hermosa sala y el fuego encendido en esa estupenda estufa a leña, es imposible no disfrutar del invierno.


El protagonista de este ambiente es el sofá color chocolate, que realmente luce muy confortable y que además hace juego con la pared que tiene detrás. Una paleta de colores neutros, que luciría un tanto apagada si no fuera por la gran cantidad de luz que entra por las puertas – ventanas y la esplendida vista del jardín.


Y para terminar este cálido rincón que parece que nos está invitando a ponernos esas zapatillas y sentarnos cómodamente a tejer.

Decoración de salas en color chocolate